Saturday, April 16, 2016

6 Principles of Teaching Kids

Teaching kids can be really difficult. This is no exception when trying to teach kids tae kwon do.Through all of my years mentoring there are many things I have learned about effectively teaching kids and I have summed them up for you in 6 simple principles.

6 Principles of Effectively Teaching Kids

1.) Fun is the most important principle because kids who don't have fun are less likely to pay attention and want to continue learning. Kids that have fun while learning seem to be more receptive to knowledge and wisdom. Also kids really come to have respect and affection for leaders that know how to have fun and have fun with them.

2.) Share Knowledge; knowledge can usually be applied at many times in life and in many ways. Teach knowledge in a comprehensible easy to remember ways. As an instructor, be open to questions and different answers. Curiosity does not always equal bad.

3.) Discipline; to maintain a good relationship with kids, discipline is an absolute must and necessary evil. All kids are different, so keep in mind that discipline is different for every child. If you have high expectations and use pushups wisely usually a group of kids will know what you expect and behave accordingly. Sometimes "the look" is more than enough. And bear in mind that discipline in any martial art is so, so, so important, because you are teaching your students how to effectively use their bodies as a weapon and great responsibility comes with that.

4.) Have Standards, and set these standards high, but not unreachable. Adjust them as necessary, all kids are different, some need the bars set high, some need them set lower. If you set high standards, kids will rise to meet the occasion. By having standards you hold your students and yourself accountable.

5.) Account for: Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Health. Everyone comes from a different background, what is good for some will not be good for others. This means that as a teacher or mentor you must be fluid and able to adapt and relate in many situations. Plus these 4 states of being tend to be key in a child's, really anyone's success. Balance of them in teaching and communication are extremely important, mainly because the aforementioned states of being have a heavy influence in our daily lives and when one thing is out of balance, behavior is affected.

6.) Accept: the students as they are as individuals, that some will not rise to your standards because they need to find the motivation within themselves, and accept that not all students are cut out for tae kwon do, some will fail and some will quit and that is totally okay.

Questions after this article? Leave them in the comments below!

Spar Like a Girl!


  1. The enthusiasm you present will be contagious. Consistency with followthrough provides security to know you care enough to address it.

  2. Dad, many of these insights are thanks to you <3

  3. Love this....and you practice it as well because I see it when you are teaching the Girls.

  4. Curiosity doesn't always equal bad... except when I don't know the answer! LOL
